Friday, April 11, 2014

Today I am a Writer

For many years I have written. I remember the first story I had to write was in grade four. We were given a pre-made booklet to fill out with whatever our imaginations could conjure. Something happened to me that day. It was like I had unlocked this superpower I knew I had but could never define. It was that exact moment when I put pencil to that paper that I knew I was writer. By the end of the project I had filled out four more of those little booklets. From then on stories always flowed out of me. I wrote about horses, adventurers, owning my own dragon, the weather, the first car I drove, about bullying, being bullied, about tigers in the jungle and a kid who wanted to grow up and be just like his adventurous father only to discover his father was not an adventurer but in jail. I wrote about a boy who had to convince heaven he wasn't truly dead and a girl who lost a revolution. I traveled to Japan and from there I collected legends and folklore weaving them with my own ideas to form new stories. I never stopped writing.

I love to write and find if too many days go without it, I grow moody and irritable until friends and family ask "Have you written lately?" The answer is usually "No." Unless I've just finished reading a book that ended tragically. (I'm looking at you Lian Hearn. I cried for days after finishing The Harsh Cry of the Heron.) It was this that made me realize I not only loved writing but was a writer. It is more than just a hobby. It is the definition of me.

So today I take my first real step into believing that. I keep waiting for validation that it's okay to call myself a writer but I will no longer. Today I am a writer and from this day on I will always be.

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